Halfway From Home
“Every page contains stunning details, often rendered in sensuous language . . . An accomplished collection of thoughtful meditations on home, nature, and family.”
Foreword Reviews
“Simultaneously beautiful and tragic, nostalgic and despondent…Brilliant.”
Kirkus Reviews
“Insights, discovery, longing and revelation that is rooted in archaeology, geology, and the world of nature . . . one of the most compelling collections this year.”
Midwest Book Reviews

Sarah Fawn Montgomery is the author of Quite Mad: An American Pharma Memoir, which The Atlantic says, “Exemplifies a nuanced approach to life with mental illness” and The Paris Review describes as “The wakeup call we need.” She is also the author of the essay collection Halfway from Home, winner of a Nautilus Book Award for lyric prose, the craft text Nerve: Unlearning Workshop Ableism to Develop Your Disabled Writing Practice, and three poetry chapbooks. Abbreviate, a flash nonfiction collection, is forthcoming. Her work has been listed as notable in Best American Essays many times, and her poetry and prose have appeared in Brevity, Catapult, Cincinnati Review, Electric Literature, Literary Hub, New England Review, Poetry, The Rumpus, Terrain, The Writer’s Chronicle, Writer’s Digest, and hundreds of other journals and anthologies. She holds an MFA from California State University-Fresno and a PhD from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she worked as the longtime nonfiction editor for Prairie Schooner. She is an Associate Professor at Bridgewater State University, where she teaches creative writing and disability studies.
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